Do you have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance coverage and want to know how to use this to your advantage to get help for a mental health disorder? Peachtree Wellness Solutions works tirelessly to provide quality treatment for a variety of mental illnesses. We proudly offer Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage for those who need help addressing conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. We work with your insurance provider to make healing your mental health easier.

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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Mental Health?

Blue Cross Blue Shield recognizes that a vital part of overall health is having good mental health. The company has a long-held belief that providing Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage allows its customers to get the vital treatment they need for mental health disorders. They offer an array of options for assessing and treating mental illness so that each customer can enjoy both good physical and mental health.

About Blue Cross Blue Shield Mental Health Coverage

Blue Cross Blue Shield began operations in 1929 and now provides insurance for over 100 million people in the U.S. Families, individuals, and businesses across all 50 states rely on the extensive coverage offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield to help them stay on top of their healthcare needs. The company offers a variety of types of plans and can help pay for both medical and behavioral healthcare ranging from a one-time need to chronic conditions. How much a person’s policy covers depends on their individual plan. What they pay depends on their deductible and if they stay in-network or go out-of-network. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield assists in covering treatment for a variety of mental health disorders which include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Dual Diagnosis Disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Complicated grief
  • Schizoaffective disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Trichotillomania

Types of Blue Cross Blue Shield Mental Health Coverage

Part of what makes Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage so expansive is the amount of options customers have for receiving treatment. This helps the company meet the needs of a diverse population of customers. To determine the specific choices any policyholder or their covered family members have, contact a company representative. As well, many treatment providers can verify a person’s insurance coverage and explain their options to them. 

Because many mental healthcare options must be pre-approved, each customer should check with their provider before beginning treatment. This also helps the customer understand what part of their treatment will be covered and if they have met their deductible. 

Some of the most common types of mental health treatment covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Screenings for mental illnesses
  • Doctor visits
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Residential treatment 
  • Emergency treatment
  • Prescription medications

Our Programs Covered By Insurance

Our Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage includes getting treatment through a variety of types of care. We provide residential treatment that allows people to move temporarily into our comfortable, homelike center. This gives them the ability to get away from the triggers and stressors of their daily lives and immerse themselves in 24/7 healing. 

Peachtree Wellness Solutions also provides two types of outpatient care that can be used as a follow-up to residential treatment or all on their own. The higher level of this type of treatment is a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). PHP includes full days of therapy sessions five or more days per week. It offers much of the same structured care of residential treatment but allows the individual to live at home. Just below PHP is an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), which includes nine or more treatment hours per week. Just like PHP, the individual lives in their own homes and travels to our facility for their appointments. 

Using Your Blue Cross Blue Shield Policy in Atlanta

To begin using your Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage, you can visit their website. You can access your member benefits and begin to arrange for treatment in just a few steps. As well, you can check the back of your member ID card to find the toll-free number for customer service. 

Peachtree Wellness Solutions accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield and can provide the targetted care that meets the needs of yourself or someone you love. We also provide treatment for those who have a dual diagnosis, which is the presence of both a mental illness and an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Begin Getting Mental Health Treatment Using Blue Cross Blue Shield

Do you have questions about how to access Blue Cross Blue Shield mental health coverage to help you begin to feel better? Peachtree Wellness Solutions provides outpatient and residential programs that meet the needs of a wide population of people who struggle with poor mental health. Our menu of evidence-based therapies is led by skilled, compassionate therapists who know how to help people rise above their conditions.

Visit our admissions page now to find out how easy it is to begin the healing process. No one should have to struggle with a mental health disorder and not have the focused treatment they deserve.

Contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency, contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

We Work With Most Insurance

Most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can cover the costs associated with our program. Find out your coverage options right now.