At Peachtree Wellness Solutions, we understand that healing begins with comprehensive, personalized care.
As Atlanta, Georgia’s premier mental health treatment center, we combine evidence-based therapies with cutting-edge neuroscience to address the complex relationship between trauma and mental health disorders.
Our integrative approach ensures that each client receives the individualized attention and support they need to achieve lasting wellness.

Since 2022, Peachtree Wellness Solutions has distinguished itself as a standout licensed residential mental health clinic devoted to world-class care.
Our model combines integrative psychotherapy with holistic and multidisciplinary practices in a home-like environment, pioneering an innovative approach to mental health treatment.
This model serves as an effective alternative to hospitalization, where clients can enjoy peaceful surroundings, natural beauty, and the comforts of home while receiving exceptional care.
We proudly welcome clients from all walks of life who seek us out for our quality of care and therapeutic approach. Our commitment to effective and forward-thinking treatment integrates years of clinical expertise with contemporary best practices.
Our diverse and skilled staff provides thoughtful, personalized treatment in welcoming environments, helping clients move toward clarity, insight, and the knowledge they need to find relief from suffering. Licensed by the Georgia Department of Community Health, we maintain the highest standards of care for our clients.
What Sets Us Apart
- Intimate, home-like setting providing a peaceful environment for healing
- Licensed therapists with master’s degrees leading all therapeutic services
- 30-45 day treatment programs with a minimum 30-day stay
- 24/7 on-site staff support
- Voluntary admission policy ensuring client commitment to recovery
- Small, intimate facility promoting individualized attention
- Beautiful residential setting conducive to healing and growth

Peachtree Wellness Solutions proudly holds accreditation from The Joint Commission, the nation’s leading healthcare accrediting organization.
This prestigious recognition demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of patient care and safety.
The Joint Commission’s rigorous evaluation process ensures that we meet or exceed national standards for healthcare quality, implementing best practices that prioritize patient safety and optimal treatment outcomes.
Learn More About Peachtree Wellness
Our Programs
We offer a complete continuum of care through our residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs, each designed to meet our clients where they are in their recovery journey.
Meet Our Team
Our multidisciplinary team brings together some of Atlanta's most experienced mental health professionals, including licensed therapists, psychiatric specialists, and wellness experts.
Tour Our Facility
Our mental health treatment facilities in Atlanta provides a peaceful retreat where natural light, comfortable furnishings, and thoughtfully designed spaces create an ideal environment.
Much debate has taken place over whether mental illness is born of a biological cause or experiences in a person’s life. In simpler terms, nature vs. nurture. The truth is that mental health issues can come from either situation or a combination of the two. Part of our treatment philosophy involves delving into the causal factors that contribute to a client developing mental health challenges. Armed with this knowledge, our clinical experts design a treatment plan that addresses the unique needs of each person.
Decades of research show that one of the biggest contributing factors to developing and maintaining a mental health disorder is PTSD and trauma. Trauma can result from several big life events, including military combat, abuse, sexual or physical assault, natural disasters, and mass shootings. However, those are just some of the contributing causes that foster trauma in a person’s life.
At Peachtree Wellness Solutions, we believe that trauma can also develop when a person does not have the knowledge or healthy coping skills to deal with challenging life experiences. So often, trauma occurs during childhood; a time in which most children are ill-prepared to deal with this type of occurrence. Traumatic events can happen at any time, and they can happen multiple times. Many people automatically react by trying to repress or deny the resulting feelings. Additionally, some turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the impact, only to go on to develop a substance use disorder.
Peachtree Wellness Solutions assesses all of our clients to see if trauma has affected their lives. We learn if conditions like dual diagnosis, depression, anxiety, and more come from untreated trauma that happened in the past or is ongoing. Our trained staff knows how to treat each person with the compassion and respect they deserve. We teach them to revisit how they view their experiences and learn healthy coping skills to move them away from the shadow of trauma. Not only does this help remedy traumatic baggage already in effect, but it also helps clients deal with any future challenges with a whole new set of skills.
Our mental health facilities in Atlanta provide a full continuum of care for every mental health condition. We help our clients learn that even if a diagnosis cannot be cured, it can be managed in a way that opens new doors and provides hope. Every person deserves to live a fulfilling, beautiful life, and we are here to point them to the path that’s right for them.
People who Trust Peachtree Wellness
Don’t trust our word, let others share their experience, strength, and hope.
“Peachtree Wellness is unlike any other program in Atlanta. The level of dedication they are putting into the program from the start is something all Atlanta residents will be able to utilize.”
“The team at Peachtree Wellness is known for going above and beyond for their clients. From the residential center they are building in Atlanta to aftercare options and expert therapists, this program is going to change mental health treatment in GA.”
“The need for a quality residential program in Georgia for mental health has never been greater, which is why residents of Atlanta are excited for Peachtree Wellness to open. We need to treat mental health seriously.”
“As a mental health professional, when I learned that Peachtree Wellness was coming to Atlanta, it was something I’d already been hoping for. We need to put mental health first in Georgia and beyond!”
If You are in need of immediate assistance...
Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.
We Work With Most Major Insurance
Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our mental health facilities in Atlanta.