Dr Bryon Mcquirt

Dr. Bryon McQuirt

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Bryon McQuirt

Last Updated on:
April 24, 2024

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In recent years, mental health care has expanded beyond traditional therapeutic methods, embracing alternative approaches that involve nature’s healing touch through animals. One such innovative method is pet therapy. This type of therapy is a guided interaction between a person and a trained animal. Our pet therapy at Peachtree Wellness Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia is designed to help individuals cope with health problems or mental health disorders. It’s not just about spending time with a cute creature; pet therapy is a growing field that’s recognized for its effectiveness in helping with a variety of mental health issues.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Peachtree Wellness is an industry leader in mental health treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

How Does Pet Therapy for Mental Health Work?

Pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, involves interactions with pets as a form of therapeutic intervention. This method can alleviate a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.

Anxiety: By providing unconditional love and support, animals can be a calming presence. They can help divert individuals’ attention from their distress and focus on the present moment. This can significantly reduce anxiety levels.

Depression: Pets offer companionship that can be incredibly beneficial for those suffering from depression. Their ability to respond to their owner’s emotional state makes the individual feel needed and helps establish a positive routine.

PTSD and other conditions: For those dealing with PTSD or similar conditions, pets offer a sense of security. They also help regulate emotions and can significantly reduce stress levels, aiding in the recovery process.

Through structured sessions, pet therapy helps individuals cope with immediate mental struggles. Additionally it can help develop longer-term strategies for dealing with their conditions, and improve their self-esteem.

Benefits of Pet Therapy at our Mental Health Facility in Atlanta

At Peachtree Wellness Solutions, we’ve integrated pet therapy into our array of services. This acknowledges the profound impact it can have on mental and emotional well-being. Some of the unique benefits offered through our program include:

  1. Enhanced emotional health: Our pet therapy program promotes the release of endorphins. This boosts the patient’s mood and fosters a positive outlook.

  2. Reduced loneliness and isolation: Interacting with our therapy animals helps patients feel more socially supported. This directly combats feelings of loneliness or social withdrawal.

  3. Non-judgmental companionship: Animals provide a safe, unconditional bond. This allows individuals to communicate without fear of criticism, which can be particularly therapeutic.

  4. Customized therapeutic plans: We recognize that each individual is unique. Therefore, our pet therapy programs are tailored to meet specific emotional, psychological, and social needs.


Other Services We Offer in ATlanta

Understanding that holistic mental health care often requires a multifaceted approach, Peachtree Wellness Solutions offers a variety of services alongside pet therapy:

  • Psychiatry: Professional psychiatric services are available for diagnosis, treatment, and management of various mental health conditions.

  • Spravato Treatment: As certified administrators, we provide Spravato for treatment-resistant depression, following all necessary safety protocols.

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment: Utilizing medications in conjunction with counseling and behavioral therapies, we offer a “whole patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.

  • Holistic Therapy: Incorporating techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and nutritional counseling, we treat the individual’s body, mind, and spirit.

  • Family Therapy: Our services extend to family therapy to ensure that healing occurs in a familial context, mending relationships, and improving communication.

  • EMDR Therapy: We provide Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for those suffering from trauma and other emotional conditions.

  • Red Light Therapy: This service is available for skin issues, pain relief, and to promote wound healing, offering a non-invasive therapeutic procedure.

  • Music Therapy: Our certified therapists use music creatively to help address emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals.

  • Biosound Therapy: Utilizing a combination of biofeedback, music therapy, sound frequency massage, and guided imagery, we help patients achieve a profound state of relaxation.

Begin Pet Therapy for Mental Health in Atlanta, Georgia Today!

At Peachtree Wellness Solutions, we believe in the power of innovative and comprehensive therapy methods. Our pet therapy program is just one of the numerous services we offer designed to usher you into a space of healing and wholeness. Ready to take the next step towards your mental and emotional well-being? Contact us today to learn more and discover the therapeutic option that best suits your needs.

Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

We Work With Most Insurance

Most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can cover the costs associated with our program. Find out your coverage options right now.