At Peachtree Wellness Solutions, our multidisciplinary team includes licensed clinical psychologists, board-certified psychiatric nurses, master’s level therapists, and experienced behavioral health specialists, each selected for their exceptional expertise and proven track record in mental health care.

The dedication of our team extends beyond professional obligation—our practitioners have chosen this field through a profound understanding of mental health recovery and a deep-seated commitment to therapeutic excellence.

 Our mental health treatment protocols are continuously refined based on peer-reviewed research and clinical outcomes, ensuring that each client receives the most effective, scientifically-validated care tailored to their individual needs.

Meet Our Mental Health Experts

Jason Flaig

Jason Flaig, BA


Schullar Robinson

Director of Operations
dan rockel therapist

Dan Rockel, MS

cameron smith peachtree wellness solutions

Cameron Smith, BA

Director of Outreach
Dr Bryon Mcquirt

Dr. Bryon McQuirt

victoria nowell director of nursing

Victoria Nowell, RN

Director of Nursing

Helena Poe, MS

heather walters peachtree wellness

Heather Walters

Business Development
Debbie Weatherford

Debbie Weatherford LPC, CPCS

Clinical Director
makenzie horton therapist peachtree wellness

Makenzie Horton, LMSW

jimiah davenport

Jimiah Davenport

Case Manager


Therapy Dog

Find The Best Mental Health Treatment in Atlanta Today!

At Peachtree Wellness, we employ mental health specialists from all walks of life with various backgrounds to best suit your needs. Our residential mental health treatment in Atlanta has 24-hour monitoring and gives clients the opportunity to heal from the underlying cause of their mental health disorder. 

Our specialized outpatient programs, including Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient Program and more, are specialized for clients to find treatment within the scope of their daily obligations. For more information, verify your insurance and once of our compassionate admissions reps will reach out to you. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

We Work With Most Major Insurance

Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options right now.